Snapchat 5/29/19 Throughout middle school, I used snapchat as my main source of communication with my friends. I used it so often and I still don’t really understand why. My main reason to be on snapchat was to keep my streaks which is purposeless. I can’t understand why I was so dumb to think that I had to keep streaks with people who I rarely event talk to in order to stay social. I remember bragging to my sister about how many streaks I had and thinking she was lame for not having as many. First of all, I’m glad I made it through this stage in my life and now understand how to maintain my friends without sending a black screen to them to keep a stupid number next to their name. I think this need to keep as many streaks as possible was a result of wanting to fit in with everyone else. I never questioned what I did because everyone was doing it and I thought those who didn’t were the ones who stuck out. I still use snapchat daily, but I still don’t know the purpose ...